Mumbai ( hotel taj, oberoi tritand, nariman house), 26-29 nov 2008, more than 160 killed & about 300 injured... the most terrible attack on mankind in the Indian history.. This is the horrifying face of terror, unimaginable terror... 3 nights & 2 days of horror past by, still a lot of price to pay by the common man & the nation... The images & clips shown on the television has left me numb & shuddering from inside.. i can still feel those goose bumps, my heartbeat has still not come back to normal, i still wish that this should be a bad bad nightmare & not the truth... but very sadly, the bitterness of this truth has captured our country & made us a hostage of terrorism... WHY?? WHY WITH US?? Why always a common innocent man has to suffer?? What’s our fault?? What’s anybody’s fault for that matter?? Hundreds who have lost their lives in a matter of a few hours, never would have thought that they would never be able to return back alive from a dinner, or a conference, or a meeting or just a night out!! Its easy for us to discriminate the politicians, blame the system or pass comments sitting at home in front of the television but no one can imagine the plight of people who actually faced death, or those who are left behind to mourn on the untimely death of their loved ones, or what those brave commandos, army men & soldiers must have gone through while sacrificing their precious lives just so that we can sleep peacefully in our homes... (A song is echoing repeately in my ears while writing these lines- Kar chale hum fida jaano tan saathiyo, Ab tumhare hawaale vatan saathiyo) “TERRORISM”, yes “terrorism” is the word which is responsible for all this, not 1 man or a group or the system... terrorism is a devil who is not a hindu nor a muslim, it has no religion, no conscious, no fear, no guilt & no aim... it has just come to kill, destroy & make us suffer... life will come to normal in a few days, as “the show must go on”.. our nation has still a lot of strength left to bounce back & it will.. perhaps this whole episode will enter in the books of Indian history.. but the black spots of blood, sweat & tears will remain forever to remind us about the horrifying face of terror which our nation faced in these 3 days... & the battle is not over yet, the remains have to be gathered, the bodies haAdd Imageve to be counted, the blood has to be measured... “jung to chand roz hoti hai, Zindgi barson talak roti hai”


deeps said…
yes the same story everhwere ...
and why not?
Nitish said…
nice article!!.. completely captures my thoughts on the issue!!
humanobserver said…
No body knows the truth.....we will see such more incidents in future....

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