You and me

The two of us met like a dream still unbelievable,
We were strangers in a land so unfamiliar,
Got acquainted through trembling handshakes and shy smiles,
Emptied our hearts out to make a deeper dive,
Took those mystical long walks together, hand in hand on the banks of the river, 
Before finally deciding to spend the rest of our lives with each other...
Yesterday when I was reminiscing those precious moments,
you held me in your arms under the bright starry sky,
It felt like I have lived a fairy tale for almost a decade with my prince charming by my side,
And I never want to be woken up from this dream,
For the rest of my life...

इब्तेदाह भी है इन्तेहाँ भी,
तेरा इश्क़ इबादत भी है गुनाह भी,
तू इस क़दर बसा है इस दिल में,
कि इसका धड़कना अब सज़ा भी है और ईनाम भी,
तुझसे एक गुज़ारिश है कि हमें गले से लगाले यूँ,
कि इस बेचैन दिल को क़रार आ जाए,
अरसे से इस दिल की ज़मीन बंजर पड़ी है,
तु छू ले तो,
सेहरा में भी बहार आ जाये...


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