Vision board, its benefits and how to stick to it
When I was a kid my dad used to make a vision board every year.. I was fascinated with the pictures and amused by his enthusiasm but never understood it's purpose, until I started making one myself.. let me tell you that I hate making resolutions as most of the time I forget about them by February! But when I started making a vision board, I kept sticking to it till the end of the year, and although I could maybe only finish 50% of my goals each year (I am improving slowly), it gave me an immense sense of confidence and pride in myself.. I have found that vision board helps me to: Define my goals clearly Stay motivated Increase my self confidence Gives a visual reminder of my goals everyday Relieve my anxiety about the future I have a lot of fun while creating it But as enjoyable as it may be, it is sometimes hard to stick to it. So here's what you can do for that: Be creative and honest while making it - use motivating photos and affirmations, ...